Monday, April 30, 2012


An eBook is an electronic book, one you read digitally on your computer, laptop screen or on devices called ebook readers.

You will find them in various formats and until the industry has a standard accessible in all devices these various formats will exist.

PDF format is a popular format for ebooks. All platforms are able to gain access and read PDF formatting. So regardless if you have a PC or Mac, you are in business! PDF requires the Acrobat Reader but this software comes on many new computers . There are still many who prefer printing out the pages of an ebook to read and PDF files have always been good for this purpose.

Other popular formats include:
HTML (which can be read on your computer screen, laptop or converted to read on the previously manufactured Nuvomedia Rocket eBook reader)
Microsoft LIT (requires the free Microsoft Reader installed on your computer, laptop or Pocket PC 2002 device)
Hiebook - KML - For the newest eBook reader available. This unit is manufactured in Korea and there is limited distribution in the US and Canada

So, why would you want an ebook? As you discover this new industry with your surfing over the Internet, you will discover ePublishers and eBookstores gradually growing in numbers. Take a look at what they offer and what they have to say about their authors and titles. Thousands upon thousands of authors write books yearly. Of those, a small percentage have the good fortune of being accepted by a publisher. This is not because they don't make the grade, but because of the vast numbers.

The Internet is a wide open medium. Excellent, talented authors can take their books to the Net, market/promote and sell those books themselves. Others are coming to the growing epublishing houses and taking that route. It is guaranteed as you journey through the epublishing world, you are going to find outstanding, spell-binding, and top-class works, which are well worth the read.

Will ebooks replace printed books? I sure hope not, at least not in my lifetime. Being a writer and avid reader for years, I am one who finds the feel and smell of a book part of the whole experience of reading.

Yet I also embrace progress and anticipate the future with excitement. Our children are the ones who will comfortably slide into this world. Already they are at ease working on computers, doing research for homework, writing papers, let alone just surfing the Internet. Imagine a child having just one e-reader to carry to school where all the text books they need are stored within that one unit. No more backpacks or bookbags to lug around, be left on the bus or lost somewhere between school and home. Once the e-readers' price drops to $50 and the kids start showing up with them, it will become the cool thing to have. Fifteen years ago you didn't see numerous people with cell phones and now it is common place. In time you will see these from the grade schools all through college.

So, why would you want an ebook? To experience a new wave of the future, to discover new and exciting authors and their stories/subjects, to embrace what lies around the next corner and be a part of its unfolding. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice post! I share with you the joy of holding a feeling a paper book, and I like to read for pleasure. We are not alone, so I imagine that printed books will still be with us for a long while to come. That said, I'm convinced that the sooner printed text books go the way of the dinosaurs, the better off we will all be. As a text book author myself, I'm looking forward to the day when text books will be interactive - they will have objects that users can manipulate to learn concepts, and videos they can watch. Current advances in web technology, such as HTML 5 and Javascript, are leading the way.

    One of the ebook formats you did not mention was EPUB. Tell me a bit about that.
