Tuesday, April 17, 2012


As you know, I'm a writer. I love writing books and poetry, and I'm trying to get my newest novel, "True Love" published. I decided against a publishing company and am now trying to self-publish. First, though, I wanted to get the copyright registered so that no one steals my works. I went to Legalzoom's website at http://www.legalzoom.com/legal-copyrights/copyrights-overview.html?WT.srch=1&kid=314c7e16-aeea-7748-b2f5-0000762d7e50&se=google&q=copyright&refcd=GO325211s_copyright&tsacr=GO5683914127&cm_mmc_o=7BBTkwCjCWwc%20C%202B5YybTtflCjC2B5YybTtfjs8KCgB5YybTtfCjCgB5YybTtf&gclid=CLrLgtOQvK8CFQjd4AodFEWkhg and acted as if I was going to get my copyright registered there. I don't have money, and apparently it's very expensive, so I probably won't be doing that anytime soon. For a $100 nonrefundable fee, motion pictures, sound recordings, musical compositions, books, computer programs, and advertising or marketing photographs that are being prepared for commercial publication can be preregistered with the US Copyright Office. A copyright attorney may charge $250-$350 (plus the $45 federal filing fee) to guide you through the registration process.

I'm very excited to get this done; I know that my books may not be a best-seller and I may not be the next Jodi Picoult, who is my inspiration, but I still want to get my books out into the open. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, we have something concrete now with which to work. You have two assignments:

    1. Learn how to use the link button when composing your blog entries so that links appear as human readable text and the URL is hidden inside the link. In this example, I would want the word, "Legalzoom" to be hypertext, which I could click on to take me to the site.

    2. Read the wikipedia entry on "Copyright". Summarize what you see there in another blog post.

    Keep up the good work!
