Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lulu Press

I am trying to self-publish my books right now. Mr. Elkner has helped me by pointing me to Lulu Press, a self-publishing company on the web. It seems to be a quality site, and offers many things, including:
1. Free publishing (you only pay when you print)
2. Keeping 80% of the revenue from the book(s)
3. Ownership of the content
4. Custom storefront
5. Free ISBN
6. The ability to set your own selling price
7. Global distribution- Lulu Marketplace,, Barnes and Noble, and more!

They offer different types of bindings for the books, and have paperback and hardcover available. They also print in every size of paper imaginable. It's amazing! Of course, I have to get permission from my guardians, but once I do, I'll be ready to go! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, you raised a very important issue I didn't think about, and which we should now research. As a minor, you can't enter into legal agreements, including the "Ownership of content" with Lulu press. That means your legal guardians would have to do that for you until you turn 18. That didn't even occur to me (I don't run into too many authors under 18 years old).
